Thursday, March 7, 2013

Carpe DM

Besides an abbreviation of the ubiquitous Latin phrase Google tells me 'Carpe DM' is an online marketing site, a slavic clothing line, and a tourism company. To the savvy gamer Carpe DM refers to the table top Dungeon Master (DM), from ye old Dungeons & Dragons the Role-Playing game, meaning 'Seize the Dungeon Master'!

Often used in jest when referring to good Dungeon Mastering, as well as the bad, the purpose of this blog title is meant to encompass my itinerant hobbies in all things gaming and geekdom on a weekly basis. From Star Wars to board games, from miniatures to role playing games. Come join me in the trenches of DMing, my never ending quest for a digital table top, miniature painting, drunken board games, and more!

Carpe DM!

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